Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Why "Delayed Fertility"

If you look up infertility in the dictionary here's what you'll find
Infertility: The inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term after 12 months of trying to conceive.

My name is Magen I'm 29 years old.
I have been married to my best friend for seven years and we've been trying to start our family for two years and 7 months. 
So why "delayed fertility"? 
I have never liked the word infertility. Even prior to being here it never really set well with me. I'm not in denial, I'm just not willing to accept that terminology.

Here's the thing: This blog is going to be above all else REAL, real honest, real deep, at times it might be real sad, real funny. 
In life we have two choices we can let what happens to us make us bitter or better. Our reactions are the only thing we have "real" control over. 

This blog is not about me it's about who I'm becoming through what I'm going through. 

The truth is what we go through will change us. How are you going to allow what you're going through change you? How will you react? 

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