We spent the day in Dallas
Jeremy and I started the journey in January of digging for awnsers on why we have had zero luck getting pregnant.
And while January to March doesn't seem that long it has been. We began getting anxious in February when our last HSG failed. They couldn't get a catheter to pass at all. This of course brought up all kinds of questions and concerns. With our doctors telling us not to worry we waited.
Doing an HSG is very time sensitive, they are pretty strict of the timing 7-10 days post period. So having to wait another month after the first one failed was annoying.
Today we got some good news.
We can have babies!
Everything is fine!
My uterus is tilted which is why the first HSG was unsuccessful.
It is such a relief to know that the last 27 months of negative pregnancy tests is nothing more than a timing issue.
So now what?
Well we were given the option to start a medication to speed up this wait. We will continue to pray about that, but as of right now we don't feel like that's what God has for us.
We will continue to seek Him for our next steps and continue trying.
And for the nerds (like me🤓)
Circled are my fallopian tubes (strand of hair) both are visable due to dye passing through and out meaning no blockade 😊
It is also worth noting that getting an HSG can help fertility because it flushes out your tubes,...so here's to that!
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