Saturday, September 9, 2017

Drum Roll Please

If you've been following our journey at all you know it's been a bit of a roller coaster the past few months. We spent from March to the beginning of August thinking we were moving to Arkansas. We had a great opportunity fall into our lap but unfortunately the timing did not line up on that. We hope to still someday end up in the Ozarks of Arkansas but honestly we are taking things day-by-day and seeking God's will over our own.

God never sceases to amaze us. Proverbs 19:6
We may have a plan, but make no mistake God directs our path.

Why is that?
*Not His will?
* We still have more to learn

Maybe it's a combination of all the above. 

In the middle of things not working out the way WE planned it's easy to get discouraged, frustrated, and sad.

It has been easier for me when I realize God sees things that we can't right now, because when we get stuck in our vision it's all we can see. 

What is your dream?

Mine has always been to own a bed and breakfast I assumed that would be when I'm old and retired. But the more I thought about it the more I thought why does that have to be the stereotype? I'm not going to have the energy to keep up with a place at that age.

 So it's important when you have a goal to establish a plan, how are you going to get there? My very favorite quote
"A goal without a plan is just a dream." It's so true you go nowhere without a plan, you have to have a map, how do you get from A to B. 

Here comes the rest of the time line and how God blew our plan right out of the water.
So the door was slammed on Arkansas for the time being. We were hurt, disappointed, and frustrated. We had seeked God throughout the whole process, we really thought we heard him clearly. It's one hurt when YOUR plan fails, but it's a completely different hurt when the plan you thought God had for you falls through. 
In the midst of that hurt it has been absolutely incredible to sit back and watch how God turned our plan into something bigger than we could ever imagine. He's wasn't looking at the right now he was looking at long-term, he was drawing a map, he is establishing our steps so that our dream could be a reality. 

Arkansas fell through and almost immediately without skipping a beat the most incredible thing happened! The Bed and Breakfast I had been interning at to make sure this is really what I really wanted to do offered to start paying me, they asked me to come work for them! The next day I put in my two weeks notice at the Animal Hospital. So now I get to learn from in my opinion The best of the best everyday instead of once a week. I am learning so much! And I'm completely in my element guys this is what I was born to do! 
So here's the next huge surprise, brace yourself it's pretty incredible. 
In January we're selling our house. 
We get to go live on site at the bed and breakfast and I'm going to be The Innkeeper!! Financially this is huge for us!!!
We're really excited!! 
In addition to living in an actual bed and breakfast, learning the ins and outs, and saving for the future, we get to live a block away from W Magnolia! 
We spent the night the other day to see how Darcy felt about this decision... She approves, we walked to a nearby ice cream shop, she met other Urban pooches who also take their evening strolls down Magnolia. She felt very fancy as a lot of the shops leave out water bowls and dog biscuits 😂😆

In all seriousness we're really looking forward to this new adventure and all that is to come!
God is so good guys!

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