Thursday, August 31, 2017

September...we meet again...

September's are really hard for me.

Let's talk about relationships for a moment. Some are more difficult than others but they all require one thing, investment. 

Whether it's a friendship, family, or your marriage the amount you invest in a relationship plays a huge role in the quality of that relationship agree?

Okay moving on... Did you ever do a biography and school? Researched everything there was to know about... Bob the Builder, you read all the books,  watched all his shows, knew everything about him, but did you know Bob the Builder?

There's a huge difference in knowing about God and knowing God. I'm going to say that again there's a huge difference in knowing ABOUT God and KNOWING God.

To have authentic faith we have to know WHO we're trusting.

So yes September's are hard for me they mark another year of delayed fertility. This is year 3

But guys I know the one I trust, we have a relationship. He knows the desires of my heart, he put them there and his plan is so good. 
So when things get hard I find my hope in him and as I take each new step that he shows me he never ceases to blow me away with his faithfulness. 
I love those in awe moments, those sweet surprises as you watch his plan unfold where you just sit back and say "wow you are SO good" and I think he has a sense of humor as he giggles "yee of little faith I know, loosen the grip a little I've got this...PROMISE." 

Pursue a relationship with the father because I promise he's pursuing one with you. He wants you to know him not just know about him. 

Let him prove his faithfulness to you, it's so fun!